Since then we've had a further 21 installments to the Assassins Creed story line on multiple different platforms. Ubisoft is putting out nearly 3 different Assassins Creed games per year. That leads me to my next question, is this series experiencing a huge amount of fatigue from it's fans?
The short answer is no. The latest multi platform release from Ubisoft has managed to sell well over 10 million units and this was even though the game struggle to get a review over 7 and was riddled with major game breaking glitches that took many months to be patched. The long answer though? absolutely, the fans are more than fatigued. While the game is selling like hot cakes, ask those same people if they have any clue where the story line is going or what is happening and I guarantee you they'll have no idea where the game is at. After Assassins Creed 2 the game had so many new installments thrown out there that it was just simply too hard to keep up or show interest in the series anymore. It didn't help that the story didn't make too much sense but the whole story of the Templars being ultimate bad dudes and there was a organization taking the down was very compelling.
This by all means doesn't mean Assassins Creed is a bad game, there's obviously a huge market for going back in to a different time and wrecking havoc on the 17th, 13th, 16th century folk. Not only that, the gameplay from Assassins Creed games is really fun when the games been developed properly and not a glitched mess that's trying to be pushed out as an annual tittle.
That being said after the new installment of Assassins Creed Syndicate it couldn't hurt Ubisoft to sit down, take a break on the Assassins Creed series and start a couple of years worth of development for Assassins Creed 4. Give the writers a chance to get the series story together and the fans a chance to build the hunger for another big Assassins Creed game that isn't released as unplayable buggy game.
Hopefully in the not to distant future we can bring ourselves back to wanting more story from the Assassins Creed game, and hopefully the story will have more direction to a conclusion.
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