May 30 has arrived and as promised the Halo ODST download codes are being sent out to Halo Master Chief Collection early adopters. These are exciting times for a lot of Halo fans, but not all. This Halo fan in particular is not a very excited fan. Halo ODST is releasing without fire fight, yes that's correct. There will be no fire fight coming with the Halo ODST download. Bit disappointing isn't it?
When Halo ODST was released on September the 11th 2009 The game had no multiplayer, in fact during most of the games development it was designed to be a DLC to Halo 3, but Microsoft had dollar signs in their eyes and decided to make the game a separate installment in the series. At the time the game lacked so much content it could hardly be consider a new game unless more was added. at the games development stage it was too late to design a full fledged multiplayer experience with matchmaking so Bungie came up with the idea to create a survival mode called Fire Fight.
Fire Fight was the only other game mode other than the campaign on Halo ODST, it was pretty much a quick solution to the lack of content in the game, Not only that, Fire Fight didn't even have matchmaking and you were left to either find players in your recently played or have a lot of mates who had the game. When players finally got their hands on Fire Fight though all was forgiven for lack of content in the game, it was amazing. What Bungie managed to pull off with fire fight was a absolutely master piece. The amount of hours invested and the fun had with memories made was amazing. Bungie manage to create something out of absolutely nothing.
So what the hell is 343 thinking not adding Fire Fight with the Halo ODST download? are they crazy? Fire Fight pretty much made Halo ODST and the amount of disappoint they already put their fans through with Halo 4 and Halo Master Chief Collection it's hard to believe they'd let their fans down again not including Fire Fight.
While we feel we will never see Fire Fight in the Halo Master Chief Collection, we still hold out hope that 343 will do the right thing and add it to the game.
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Saturday, 30 May 2015
Monday, 25 May 2015
Why you shouldn't buy a next gen console yet.
Next gen, are you there? have you even started yet? It's going on a year and a half now and we've yet to be absolutely blown away by a game. Lets be honest, The quality of a lot of the games seem like I could get the same experience on the previous generation consoles. Yes, maybe we are exaggerating a little bit here, there have been some great games released such as Project Cars, The Witcher 3, GTA 5 (technically a previous gen release) Bloodbourne. Really though, they're the only games that I can think of off the top of my head.
Where the hell is the absolutely mind blowing, OMG, holy shit, this is unbelievable experience though? I've yet to have one game on next gen consoles really take me to that level of experience yet. I'll use Gears of war as an example. Gears of War when it was released was an absolutely unreal experience. The first time I played the campaign I couldn't believe how stunning the game was, not only that but how detailed the gore was when chainsawing a enemy in half. It wasn't just the Campaign though, the multiplayer was a whole different experience, I spent countless hours playing with random people in to the early mornings.
So far this gen though we've yet to have something like that, maybe you have? i'm not sure, but this gen has felt really bland compared to the last few. Games like Gta 3 on the ps2 was absolutely awesome and Halo on the original Xbox amazing. Ps3 had a stunning game in Killzone 3 and games like Resistance, God Of War. Xbox 360 had Halo 3, Gears Of War and lets not forget how massive Call of Duty and GTA IV were during last gen.
So what exactly do we have to look forward to this gen? Which game is looking to grab the mantle? Lets start with The Division, This Game from what we've been shown looks Stunning, Has features that are interesting and intriguing and a multiplayer that looks like it's going to be a lot of fun. Also Star Wars Battlefront is looking to be a big hit, the game has a lot of hype surrounding it and if it lives up to the hype it could definitely become the face of this generation. You also can't count out games such a Halo 5 and Call Of Duty, while these series have maybe taken a bit of a step backwards they have some really talented people working on them and it doesn't take much for these games to become a hit at all.
Look, if there's one bit of advice I could give you at Collect Gamer, it would be don't purchase a next generation console yet. A lot of the games out now are just not worth it and if you're really scratching to play a single game you'd be better off buying it on PC. Wait for that game, that game that will blow you away, it will be worth it.
Where the hell is the absolutely mind blowing, OMG, holy shit, this is unbelievable experience though? I've yet to have one game on next gen consoles really take me to that level of experience yet. I'll use Gears of war as an example. Gears of War when it was released was an absolutely unreal experience. The first time I played the campaign I couldn't believe how stunning the game was, not only that but how detailed the gore was when chainsawing a enemy in half. It wasn't just the Campaign though, the multiplayer was a whole different experience, I spent countless hours playing with random people in to the early mornings.
So far this gen though we've yet to have something like that, maybe you have? i'm not sure, but this gen has felt really bland compared to the last few. Games like Gta 3 on the ps2 was absolutely awesome and Halo on the original Xbox amazing. Ps3 had a stunning game in Killzone 3 and games like Resistance, God Of War. Xbox 360 had Halo 3, Gears Of War and lets not forget how massive Call of Duty and GTA IV were during last gen.
So what exactly do we have to look forward to this gen? Which game is looking to grab the mantle? Lets start with The Division, This Game from what we've been shown looks Stunning, Has features that are interesting and intriguing and a multiplayer that looks like it's going to be a lot of fun. Also Star Wars Battlefront is looking to be a big hit, the game has a lot of hype surrounding it and if it lives up to the hype it could definitely become the face of this generation. You also can't count out games such a Halo 5 and Call Of Duty, while these series have maybe taken a bit of a step backwards they have some really talented people working on them and it doesn't take much for these games to become a hit at all.
Look, if there's one bit of advice I could give you at Collect Gamer, it would be don't purchase a next generation console yet. A lot of the games out now are just not worth it and if you're really scratching to play a single game you'd be better off buying it on PC. Wait for that game, that game that will blow you away, it will be worth it.
Sunday, 24 May 2015
Destiny: House of Wolves Review
Destiny’s latest DLC released earlier this week and with the
hype leading up to it we were keen to get our hands on it. This expansion deals
with some of the minor characters in the base games story, mainly the Queen of
the reef who has opened the mysterious doors of her realm to the Guardians,
seeking their aid after she was betrayed by the Fallen wolves (a prominent alien
race in the game). First things first, i will compliment the story, whilst it
is not yet anywhere in the same league as Bungies previous work with Halo, the
story is getting consecutively better. I was intrigued with the story and apart
from the few jarring moments where i had to go on Bungie.Net to check a grimoire
card for some background information, the entire experience was reasonably
smooth. The story missions themselves are fun enough with friends, but become
rather stale when done alone as a lot of the maps once again feature reused
assets and areas of the game.
Well let’s get the major deal breaker for some out of the way,
yes there isn’t a raid, is this a problem? Well yes and no. Yes because there
are two new end game activities in place of the raid. No because whilst these two
end game activities are good, one lacks and does not really uphold to prior
expectations. These two activities are called The Prison of Elders and Trials
of Osiris, Prison of Elders (PoE) is a wave/horde like game mode with a
different set of objectives and goals every round. You and your fireteam of 3
must face challenges ranging from killing a number of enemies to defusing
mines. Whilst this type of gameplay is unique to Destiny it isn’t really new in
the gaming world and compared to a Raid I personally found this gamevtype
lacking. Been stuck in a mid-sized area with a group of enemies for 4 rounds
and then finishing with a boss on the 5th just seems uninspired. Whilst
it does promote close knit teamwork and coordination I felt it still did not
match with its forerunners: the Vault of Glass and Crotas End to a point that I
actually got bored of it after a few run throughs (and you will need to do it a
few times over if you want to get the top end rewards).
The other endgame mode, Trials of Osiris, is actually a
player vs player mode and is where this DLC really shines. You are given a
trial by a mysterious cult and tasked with competing in a highly competitive multiplayer
mode against other players; it is a 3v3 elimination game type. It’s compulsory to
enter with a fire team of 3. The goal is to reach 9 wins; if you lose 3 matches
you are kicked out of the trials and have to start again. If you manage to win
9 games straight without a recorded loss you get to go to a hidden location and
get some of the best end game loot in the game to date, I won’t go into
specifics but going to this location after all the hard earned team work and
getting and comparing loot with your friends is one of the most rewarding game
moments I’ve had to date. Trials of Osiris isnt anything new but it is a blast. You and your friends will have some of the most intense, suspenseful and hilarious moments in Destiny to date. If you haven't tried this game type yet grab some friends and get to it, but just remember the Trails only occur on weekends.
Leading up to the DLC Bungie introduced a lot of updates and
tweaks, including material exchange and now the ability to max out any
legendary in the game. I feel now as if the game really is where it should have
been at release and finally is a complete package. Bungie really have a good
sense of how to reward the player, some parts of this DLC seem long and drawn out but
the end rewards are simply that satisfying you will find yourself coming back
again and again week after week. All in all I would recommend this DLC to old
players and new, if you weren’t satisfied with the original game and haven’t been
back since, have some spare change, a few friends interested in extreme team
work and some laughs you should check this out.
Saturday, 23 May 2015
Just Cause 3 sending out shock waves across the gaming world.
Recently the Just Cause 3 developers have been really driving home the message that Just Cause 3 is more of a sandbox game than just about anything out there. that's quite a big statement when you have a game called GTA 5 out there. After recently watching the Just Cause 3 game play trailer, you really know these devs aren't fucking around. The trailer was one of the most hectic looking teasers I have ever seen in my life. I think what I took from the trailer is this game is going to really push the boundaries.
So what exactly do we know about Just Cause 3?
Just Cause 3 is a open world action adventure game being developer by Avalanche Studios. Just Cause 3 story is set on a fictional Mediterranean island where a Dictator named General Di Ravello has taken Control. One of Just Causes main features is the grappling hook and Avalanche Studios have taken the grappling hook to the next level in the new installment of the series. basically if you see anything in this game it can be grappled, enemies, walls and flying vehicles. If you actually want to, you could just play the entire game acting like Spider man and I'm not even exaggerating. The parachute wing suite is also another feature in this game, Basically the aim is to get as close to the ground as you can and then just skirt along rocks and stuff. In a nut shell the game has been designed for a lot more maneuverability.
Avalanche studios aren't just boasting about their new grappling hook though as cool as that is. The game is set to be crazy, hectic and just plain out of control. If you don't have explosions in the back ground we've been told we aren't play the game correct, or if we're not stealing cars or stealing planes. to sum it up, if you're not grappling shit, wing suiting in to planes, stealing cars, exploding shit and destroying enemy AI, you're playing the game wrong. It's also worth noting the games open world map will be similar in size to previous Just cause games, so you can say the map will be big and beautifully detailed.
The game is set to be released in well, we don't exactly know. What we do know is the game will be released in 2015 for you eager beavers keen to get yours hands on the game, and I tell you what, after what I saw I'm keen to get my hands on it too.
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So what exactly do we know about Just Cause 3?
Just Cause 3 is a open world action adventure game being developer by Avalanche Studios. Just Cause 3 story is set on a fictional Mediterranean island where a Dictator named General Di Ravello has taken Control. One of Just Causes main features is the grappling hook and Avalanche Studios have taken the grappling hook to the next level in the new installment of the series. basically if you see anything in this game it can be grappled, enemies, walls and flying vehicles. If you actually want to, you could just play the entire game acting like Spider man and I'm not even exaggerating. The parachute wing suite is also another feature in this game, Basically the aim is to get as close to the ground as you can and then just skirt along rocks and stuff. In a nut shell the game has been designed for a lot more maneuverability.
Avalanche studios aren't just boasting about their new grappling hook though as cool as that is. The game is set to be crazy, hectic and just plain out of control. If you don't have explosions in the back ground we've been told we aren't play the game correct, or if we're not stealing cars or stealing planes. to sum it up, if you're not grappling shit, wing suiting in to planes, stealing cars, exploding shit and destroying enemy AI, you're playing the game wrong. It's also worth noting the games open world map will be similar in size to previous Just cause games, so you can say the map will be big and beautifully detailed.
The game is set to be released in well, we don't exactly know. What we do know is the game will be released in 2015 for you eager beavers keen to get yours hands on the game, and I tell you what, after what I saw I'm keen to get my hands on it too.
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Wednesday, 20 May 2015
Halo Master Chief Collection - The dream that turned in to a nightmare.
To this day The Halo Master Chief Collection still isn't a properly functioning game. At this point in time The Master Chief Collection is almost a dead game, near on impossible to find a game in every multiplayer playlist. How is it that Microsofts biggest gaming franchise came to this? how could they be so careless? After Halo 4 and The Master Chief Collection 343 Industries and Microsoft should be counting their lucky stars that Halo fans are some of the most hard core out there and are willing to stick through thick and thin.
When The Master chief was released fans got home and jumped online straight away only to find that they couldn't find anyone in matchmaking. For two straight weeks it was near on impossible to find a game with other players, and if you were one of the lucky ones to find players your game almost certainly didn't finish without serious problems. The Halo Master Chief Collection was developed by 343 Industries in conjunction with Certain affinity, Ruffian games, Saber Interactive, Blur studio and United front gaming.
The backlash on the game was astounding, fans were beyond shocked. The game was at it's core a broken game, so far from finished it wasn't ever funny. Some fans held out hope that the first few patches would fix the game but majority knew it wouldn't. In fact, majority of the first patches did absolutely nothing to fix the game, leaving fans even more frustrated. Although the game was completely beyond fixing for the first few months the most hardcore fans kept up with all the latest updates on patches and such.
The game has practically died since. It was released on November the 14th and what was the most hyped game leading in to 2015 is now abandoned. This game we're talking about was the dream every halo fan had and now it's become a Halo fans worst nightmare. With a sour taste of Halo 4 and Master Chief Collection how can Microsoft expect sales of Halo 5 to be above and beyond, the damage is almost not fixable.
Halo ODST is coming though, that fixes everything, right guys? only does if it has Fire Fight. No seriously, It's nice that Halo ODST is being released for free because of all the issues the game has had, but it in no way fixes the dream that Halo fans had. A proper, fair and reasonable way to show your fans you stuffed up is to give the Master Chief Collection owners a discount on Halo 5.
D-Day is coming for 343, if Halo 5 turns in to another Master chief Collection or a Halo 4 you can almost guarantee that would kill the series, and Microsoft biggest money winner. I won't lie, us at Collective Gamer are massive Halo fans and we're hoping Halo 5 will be a huge hit.
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When The Master chief was released fans got home and jumped online straight away only to find that they couldn't find anyone in matchmaking. For two straight weeks it was near on impossible to find a game with other players, and if you were one of the lucky ones to find players your game almost certainly didn't finish without serious problems. The Halo Master Chief Collection was developed by 343 Industries in conjunction with Certain affinity, Ruffian games, Saber Interactive, Blur studio and United front gaming.
The backlash on the game was astounding, fans were beyond shocked. The game was at it's core a broken game, so far from finished it wasn't ever funny. Some fans held out hope that the first few patches would fix the game but majority knew it wouldn't. In fact, majority of the first patches did absolutely nothing to fix the game, leaving fans even more frustrated. Although the game was completely beyond fixing for the first few months the most hardcore fans kept up with all the latest updates on patches and such.
The game has practically died since. It was released on November the 14th and what was the most hyped game leading in to 2015 is now abandoned. This game we're talking about was the dream every halo fan had and now it's become a Halo fans worst nightmare. With a sour taste of Halo 4 and Master Chief Collection how can Microsoft expect sales of Halo 5 to be above and beyond, the damage is almost not fixable.
Halo ODST is coming though, that fixes everything, right guys? only does if it has Fire Fight. No seriously, It's nice that Halo ODST is being released for free because of all the issues the game has had, but it in no way fixes the dream that Halo fans had. A proper, fair and reasonable way to show your fans you stuffed up is to give the Master Chief Collection owners a discount on Halo 5.
D-Day is coming for 343, if Halo 5 turns in to another Master chief Collection or a Halo 4 you can almost guarantee that would kill the series, and Microsoft biggest money winner. I won't lie, us at Collective Gamer are massive Halo fans and we're hoping Halo 5 will be a huge hit.
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Tuesday, 19 May 2015
Warcraft movie set to rejuvenate the fatigued World of Warcraft.
Recently the first images of the new Warcraft movie have been released to the public. Warcraft in general has always been a big game with lots of fans and production companies have always seem to be on off with a movie project on the game but now it's finally happening.
For the last few years World Of Warcraft subscriber numbers have been trending downwards although recently due to expansion the numbers have trended upwards, but how long will that hold for? as the hype dies down on the expansion the game will slowly hit a new low. While it's all well and good for games to keep releasing expansion slowly your population will dwindle no matter what, whether the mechanics become out of date or the generation that played the game grows up, or just simply the game has changed too much for the hardcore fans to stick around.
Blizzard have clearly realized this, they can see in the long run the game will continue to generally trend downwards and make less revenue. Blizzard have really pulled the ace card at the perfect time for the World Of Warcraft franchise. A movie released by next year will reinvigorate a lot of interest in the game again and will make numbers surge. If the movie is a series of movies, Well, even better for Blizzard!
If Blizzard want to really capitalize on the movie they'll release an expansion at a date not long after the movie is released. Imagine playing a expansion story line that's sort of a continuation of the movie story line, that would really make the fans excited to keep playing the game, Unless the movies a flop of course.
The ramifications of a Warcraft movie that flops could also really hurt the game and the whole Warcraft franchise. World of Warcraft already has a smell of fatigue about it and over the last few years it's really showed.
Can blizzard really rejuvenate the series? can they make World Of Warcraft the next big thing for another generation of kids? well guess will just have to wait and see.
For the last few years World Of Warcraft subscriber numbers have been trending downwards although recently due to expansion the numbers have trended upwards, but how long will that hold for? as the hype dies down on the expansion the game will slowly hit a new low. While it's all well and good for games to keep releasing expansion slowly your population will dwindle no matter what, whether the mechanics become out of date or the generation that played the game grows up, or just simply the game has changed too much for the hardcore fans to stick around.
Blizzard have clearly realized this, they can see in the long run the game will continue to generally trend downwards and make less revenue. Blizzard have really pulled the ace card at the perfect time for the World Of Warcraft franchise. A movie released by next year will reinvigorate a lot of interest in the game again and will make numbers surge. If the movie is a series of movies, Well, even better for Blizzard!
If Blizzard want to really capitalize on the movie they'll release an expansion at a date not long after the movie is released. Imagine playing a expansion story line that's sort of a continuation of the movie story line, that would really make the fans excited to keep playing the game, Unless the movies a flop of course.
The ramifications of a Warcraft movie that flops could also really hurt the game and the whole Warcraft franchise. World of Warcraft already has a smell of fatigue about it and over the last few years it's really showed.
Can blizzard really rejuvenate the series? can they make World Of Warcraft the next big thing for another generation of kids? well guess will just have to wait and see.
Sunday, 17 May 2015
Success Kills Innovation
With the new generation of consoles we expected to see a
huge list of new IPs, a daring era of gaming with impressive limits to push.
Instead we had continuations of the previous generations titles, now this is
not always a bad thing as the titles (CoD, Assassins Creed, sporting games etc)
are very successful. But how many instalments in a franchise is enough? Sure
the sales are high but these developers have a huge potential to bring new and
possibly as great series’ into the gaming world. Instead they are stuck
effectively reskinning the previous year’s game with a few new features. Does the
success of a franchise effectively chain the developers to this one single
game? A promise of a well selling, possibly well received game every year yet
endless monotony. Is success the death of innovation?
For many years now Call of Duty (i will use CoD as my
example as it is widely known by many gamers) has dominated the selling charts,
reviews and pro gaming. Throughout each instalment it has tried to be
innovative, yet with three different Dev teams at the series’ helm is there as
much variety as one would expect? Not really, let’s be honest it’s hard to tell
them apart at the best of times. Sure there maybe a new setting, a few new guns
or multiplayer maps, but that doesn’t stop the masses from buying the annual
title. Now I’m not arguing that titles shouldn’t have sequels, but when it has
little to no change and is a yearly instalment it leads nowhere apart from
profits. These developers are stuck making the same game again and again, all
their talent been left in the dark, now imagine if they could make something
new. For example Sledgehammer Games splits from the CoD cycle and begins on a
completely different game, away from the FPS market, this game created by a
talented team could be just as successful as CoD and could spark a new industry
trend, born of innovation, trailing a path into a new era.
Now how many ‘CoD clones’ were created throughout the years,
the success of the series spurred other publishers to follow suit to chase the
market. That immediately restricts them to chasing rather than leading. Success
is both healthy and a poison, there comes a time when a series is at its peak
and should know when to stop. When it looks behind it and sees a crowd of
others trying to imitate it and a bunch of prequels, it is time for a change.
This success when drank for too long becomes a poison for both the team behind
it and the industry chasing it, affirmation then that success for too long
leads to the death of innovation.
Ask yourself would you rather have a annual update of a game
or the potential for a complete and utter game changer for the industry, I know
what I want..
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Saturday, 16 May 2015
Can Assasins Creed Syndicate change the downwards trend of the series?
Recently it was announced that Assasin Creed Syndicate will be the next game of the controversial Assasins creed series. Assasins Creed Syndicate is the 9th major instalment of the series that is being developed by Ubisoft Quebec.
Since the release of Assasins Creed 2 Ubisoft has been releasing a game on a yearly basis causing a lot of fatigue of the series. Not only has fatigue become a issue but the clear lack of development on the most recent Assasin Creed games has caused a lot of backlash from the general public.
So what do we know about Assasins Creed Syndicate?
Given the list of changes so far it seems that Ubisoft is trying to break away from the old formula of Assasin creed games to make the game seem fresh and new. So far though the general public hasn't been as warm on the game, with already nearly 50% dislikes on the pre alpha footage on Youtube. You can't really blame them though, Assasins Creed 3 was an absolutely mess of a game and also Assasins Creed Unity was said to be an even bigger mess.
Assasins Creed Syndicate has a lot to live up to and make up for, With previous installments being such let down this game has to be a massive hit, and it's hard to see how this game will be a hit after watching the Pre alpha footage. I would like to say it's still early days, but it's already May and in development terms, October is not very far away.
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Since the release of Assasins Creed 2 Ubisoft has been releasing a game on a yearly basis causing a lot of fatigue of the series. Not only has fatigue become a issue but the clear lack of development on the most recent Assasin Creed games has caused a lot of backlash from the general public.
So what do we know about Assasins Creed Syndicate?
- Assasins Creed Syndicate will have two main Characters, twins to be specific. You will be able to play as both the male and the female twin.
- The game is set in 1868 London during the Industrial revolution, focusing on the gangs and such of the era.
- Minor changes have been made to the games stealth and combat mechanics and other mechanics have also had minor overhauls.
- A new rope launcher has been added to the game saving you time having to slowly climb up the wall. The rope launcher is to help you get around roof tops and such faster.
- A lot of new mechanics have been taken out of GTA, Ubisoft has focused on traversing the city with vehicle mechanics similar to the GTA series.
- Assasins Creed Syndicate will not have multiplayer
- Xbox one and Ps4 have a release date of October 2015 while the PC has only been given a release date of Holidays 2015.
Given the list of changes so far it seems that Ubisoft is trying to break away from the old formula of Assasin creed games to make the game seem fresh and new. So far though the general public hasn't been as warm on the game, with already nearly 50% dislikes on the pre alpha footage on Youtube. You can't really blame them though, Assasins Creed 3 was an absolutely mess of a game and also Assasins Creed Unity was said to be an even bigger mess.
Assasins Creed Syndicate has a lot to live up to and make up for, With previous installments being such let down this game has to be a massive hit, and it's hard to see how this game will be a hit after watching the Pre alpha footage. I would like to say it's still early days, but it's already May and in development terms, October is not very far away.
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Friday, 15 May 2015
The evolution of gaming.
Come the first quarter of 2016 will gaming have begun it's next evolution? The Oculus Rift is a virtual reality head set that is intended to take gaming to the next level of immersion. Ever since The Oculus Rift was announced on Kick Starter it has hit the publics eye like a steam train and has been picking up momentum ever since.
The Oculus Rift was Founded by Oculus VR in 2012. After 2 years of the project being in the public eye Facebook decided to buy the Oculus Rift for roughly 2 billion dollars in Facebook stock and cash. Since then the Oculus Rift team have released two separate dev kits to give developers a chance to create content for the hardware.
Recently the specifications were announce for the Oculus Rift and it's safe to say that your average game console consumer won't be forking out for this sort of hardware .
NVIDIA GTX 970 / AMD 290 equivalent or greater
Intel i5-4590 equivalent or greater
Compatible HDMI 1.3 video output
2x USB 3.0 ports
Windows 7 SP1 or newer
So even if the Oculus is the next evolution of gaming, who exactly has the sort of cash laying around to go splash out on that hardware? It's hard to believe that the first release of The Oculus Rift is going to be very general public friendly, although some of that hardware might be a fair bit cheaper one year down the road.
This all leads to the question, is this a gimmick or is it the real deal? In recent times we've seen Microsoft invest millions and millions of dollars on the Kinnect and while the Kinnect did make quite a few sales on the Xbox 360 it recieved a whole lot of backlash from the public when it was announced to be packaged with the Xbox One. We'eve also seen PlayStation experiment with PlayStation move and while that had a little bit of success both the Kinnect and Playstation Move have been dead in the water since. With the consumer bombarded with Gimmicky products in recent times The Oculus Rift has a lot to prove if it wants to be the next evolution.
All that being said, The Oculus has shown the most potential out of anything that it is going to become the next big thing in gaming. It's hard to ignore the Youtube videos of how immersed people become with the Oculus Rift head set on, weather it's Roller coasters or Porn lol, and games of course! As a gamer I'm super excited to try this out for myself and I'm also really excited to see where the Oculus Rift goes in future. If it's a flop well, we always have our trusty consoles.
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The Oculus Rift was Founded by Oculus VR in 2012. After 2 years of the project being in the public eye Facebook decided to buy the Oculus Rift for roughly 2 billion dollars in Facebook stock and cash. Since then the Oculus Rift team have released two separate dev kits to give developers a chance to create content for the hardware.
Recently the specifications were announce for the Oculus Rift and it's safe to say that your average game console consumer won't be forking out for this sort of hardware .
NVIDIA GTX 970 / AMD 290 equivalent or greater
Intel i5-4590 equivalent or greater
Compatible HDMI 1.3 video output
2x USB 3.0 ports
Windows 7 SP1 or newer
So even if the Oculus is the next evolution of gaming, who exactly has the sort of cash laying around to go splash out on that hardware? It's hard to believe that the first release of The Oculus Rift is going to be very general public friendly, although some of that hardware might be a fair bit cheaper one year down the road.
This all leads to the question, is this a gimmick or is it the real deal? In recent times we've seen Microsoft invest millions and millions of dollars on the Kinnect and while the Kinnect did make quite a few sales on the Xbox 360 it recieved a whole lot of backlash from the public when it was announced to be packaged with the Xbox One. We'eve also seen PlayStation experiment with PlayStation move and while that had a little bit of success both the Kinnect and Playstation Move have been dead in the water since. With the consumer bombarded with Gimmicky products in recent times The Oculus Rift has a lot to prove if it wants to be the next evolution.
All that being said, The Oculus has shown the most potential out of anything that it is going to become the next big thing in gaming. It's hard to ignore the Youtube videos of how immersed people become with the Oculus Rift head set on, weather it's Roller coasters or Porn lol, and games of course! As a gamer I'm super excited to try this out for myself and I'm also really excited to see where the Oculus Rift goes in future. If it's a flop well, we always have our trusty consoles.
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Thursday, 14 May 2015
Google reaveals most watched games on Youtube.
Looks like Google is in a revealing mood and have released the top most watched games in history on Youtube. Lets take a look at the games that have made the cut.
1. “Minecraft”
2. “Grand Theft Auto”
3. “League of Legends”
4. “Call of Duty”
5. “FIFA”
6. “Garry’s Mod”
7. “The Sims”
8. “Five Nights at Freddy’s”
9. “Puzzles & Dragon”
10. “Dota 2”
Anyone else shocked? I know I am!
Surprisingly League of Legends isn't on top of that list. Personally thought that would be a shoe in. It could be because the games relative age compared to the others is fairly young, although still surprising due to league always have the most viewers on Twitch by a long shot. If League wasn't going to be number 1 than a safe bet would have always been Minecraft. Mincraft is the hip trendy game for all the kids! Nah it's pretty fun too. Grand theft Auto feels about right in it's spot, the GTA modding community is huge and GTA 5 just would of given their total views a major boost!
Call Of Duty, FIFA, Garry's Mod and The Sims feel about right in their positions. All the games have massive communities so no surprise on that front. I think if we had this ranking in 4 odd years ago Call of duty would of been close to number 1.
Personally I've never heard of Five nights at Freddy and Puzzles and Dragons (wtf) But i'm sure their view rankings are justified.
Dota 2, is a little bit of a shock. I thought it would be higher than Five Nights at Freddy and Puzzles and Dragons. Dota in general has been a massively well known game for a long time. Although to still be ranked in the top 10 is obviously a huge achievement.
The surprising one for me is that there is no halo in this list. Halo had a massive Youtube community, Machinama basically got all their hits from Halo content. It's possible that with the quality of Halo games dropping off that the Halo Youtube community has also dropped off. I remember Halo shows such as Red vs Blue and Arby n The Chief really doing well in the Youtube game. If you had a story line halo 3 was your game to make it happen. Guess Halo 4 Blew up all the good work Halo 3 had done.
For more content from Collective Gamer keep up with us at:
1. “Minecraft”
2. “Grand Theft Auto”
3. “League of Legends”
4. “Call of Duty”
5. “FIFA”
6. “Garry’s Mod”
7. “The Sims”
8. “Five Nights at Freddy’s”
9. “Puzzles & Dragon”
10. “Dota 2”
Anyone else shocked? I know I am!
Surprisingly League of Legends isn't on top of that list. Personally thought that would be a shoe in. It could be because the games relative age compared to the others is fairly young, although still surprising due to league always have the most viewers on Twitch by a long shot. If League wasn't going to be number 1 than a safe bet would have always been Minecraft. Mincraft is the hip trendy game for all the kids! Nah it's pretty fun too. Grand theft Auto feels about right in it's spot, the GTA modding community is huge and GTA 5 just would of given their total views a major boost!
Call Of Duty, FIFA, Garry's Mod and The Sims feel about right in their positions. All the games have massive communities so no surprise on that front. I think if we had this ranking in 4 odd years ago Call of duty would of been close to number 1.
Personally I've never heard of Five nights at Freddy and Puzzles and Dragons (wtf) But i'm sure their view rankings are justified.
Dota 2, is a little bit of a shock. I thought it would be higher than Five Nights at Freddy and Puzzles and Dragons. Dota in general has been a massively well known game for a long time. Although to still be ranked in the top 10 is obviously a huge achievement.
The surprising one for me is that there is no halo in this list. Halo had a massive Youtube community, Machinama basically got all their hits from Halo content. It's possible that with the quality of Halo games dropping off that the Halo Youtube community has also dropped off. I remember Halo shows such as Red vs Blue and Arby n The Chief really doing well in the Youtube game. If you had a story line halo 3 was your game to make it happen. Guess Halo 4 Blew up all the good work Halo 3 had done.
For more content from Collective Gamer keep up with us at:
Monday, 11 May 2015
Party chat has brought in game voice chat to it's knees.
Early this week Splatoon Global Test Fire manage to upset a lot of fans with nintendo choosing not to add in game voice chat. This has sparked wild debates among many forums as to how relevant todays in game voice chat actually is and where it sits in todays gaming society. While this recent issue isn't directly related to the party chat feature, we're all well aware that the party chat feature has been the demise of in game chat.
In game voice chat has been in demise ever since party chat was released on xbox 360 in November 19, 2008. At the time party chat was released not everyone had internet or could afford the xbox live fee to play online keeping in game voice chat very active. Even then party wasn't used, you could easily jump on halo 3 and have a communicating team, or a bunch of shit talkers...whatever way you look at it. Ever since then in game chat has been slowly dying out. More and more friends and family have been gaining access to xbox live making people want to stick to their social circles. If you jump on a game such as Battlefield 4 you're unlikely to hear a peep out of your team mates, which is quite staggering when you have 31 other team mates on the field with you.
Can you really fault party chat though? I mean it's what the consumer clearly wanted as it's become the preferred method of chat. There's no doubt that party chat has been a great feature in it's own way for the console market. Making it easier to communicate with out friends is always a good thing. That being said, it's hard to ignore that it has a negative impact on competitive multiplayer games. These days majority of competitive multiplayer games are designed so that communication is key. The more you communicate the more likely you are to win the game. There's nothing worse than going in to a ranked game and getting beaten by 30 kills, having absolutely no way to communicate with your team mates because they're in party chat.
All of that being said, I can definitely see why people have shunned in game chat. The screaming child, the loud background music, the guy who's just talking to his mate without paying attention to the game and the talking shit child. They are all very valid reasons to stick to party chat and never leave and none of these problems could ever be rectified apart from straight up muting the person. I personally understand this but some of the best moments have also come from in game chat, such as that warzone game type I played on gears of war 1. I was the last team mate alive against 4 others and I managed to steal the win Hearing 3 other team mates going crazy over your achievement left me feeling like a king. Stuff like this I don't forget and it's due to the in game chat.
Sometimes I'm playing Gta 5 and I hear someone screaming or yelling and shit talking over the mic, and I just get a nostalgic feel and I just jump in there and just start shit talking too. I actually miss that stuff, it was great back in the day.
The question is, is it time for xbox and playstation to do something about in game chat? It's just about dead for all competitive games. I think the best way to go about this is to make any hardcore/ranked game types in games to be mandatory in game chat with a very easy mute feature available for the screaming child.
Let us know what you think by commenting on our Facebook page or twitter.
In game voice chat has been in demise ever since party chat was released on xbox 360 in November 19, 2008. At the time party chat was released not everyone had internet or could afford the xbox live fee to play online keeping in game voice chat very active. Even then party wasn't used, you could easily jump on halo 3 and have a communicating team, or a bunch of shit talkers...whatever way you look at it. Ever since then in game chat has been slowly dying out. More and more friends and family have been gaining access to xbox live making people want to stick to their social circles. If you jump on a game such as Battlefield 4 you're unlikely to hear a peep out of your team mates, which is quite staggering when you have 31 other team mates on the field with you.
Can you really fault party chat though? I mean it's what the consumer clearly wanted as it's become the preferred method of chat. There's no doubt that party chat has been a great feature in it's own way for the console market. Making it easier to communicate with out friends is always a good thing. That being said, it's hard to ignore that it has a negative impact on competitive multiplayer games. These days majority of competitive multiplayer games are designed so that communication is key. The more you communicate the more likely you are to win the game. There's nothing worse than going in to a ranked game and getting beaten by 30 kills, having absolutely no way to communicate with your team mates because they're in party chat.
All of that being said, I can definitely see why people have shunned in game chat. The screaming child, the loud background music, the guy who's just talking to his mate without paying attention to the game and the talking shit child. They are all very valid reasons to stick to party chat and never leave and none of these problems could ever be rectified apart from straight up muting the person. I personally understand this but some of the best moments have also come from in game chat, such as that warzone game type I played on gears of war 1. I was the last team mate alive against 4 others and I managed to steal the win Hearing 3 other team mates going crazy over your achievement left me feeling like a king. Stuff like this I don't forget and it's due to the in game chat.
Sometimes I'm playing Gta 5 and I hear someone screaming or yelling and shit talking over the mic, and I just get a nostalgic feel and I just jump in there and just start shit talking too. I actually miss that stuff, it was great back in the day.
The question is, is it time for xbox and playstation to do something about in game chat? It's just about dead for all competitive games. I think the best way to go about this is to make any hardcore/ranked game types in games to be mandatory in game chat with a very easy mute feature available for the screaming child.
Let us know what you think by commenting on our Facebook page or twitter.
Saturday, 9 May 2015
What Titanfall Lacked that Titanfall 2 needs to rectify.
Today I delve in to the world of Titanfall and why the game slowly slipped off the radar of players and what Titanfall 2 needs to do to take the game to the next level.
Titanfall was orginally developed by Respawn entertainment and published by Electronic arts, The game was intended to be a multi platform game but Microsoft bought the rights for the first game leaving it a one platform game. Titanfall Received a mostly positive reception from critics and won multiple awards, Also selling near 1 million copies in it's first month
With so much positive praise and reception, why did this game fall off most peoples radars? Last night I jumped on Titanfall to find only 3 thousand players were online and less than 100 of them were within my region. Considering Titanfall is an online only game that's somewhat pretty bad. To be fair though, Titanfall isn't a bad game, Wall running, High paced shoot outs, Giant mechs you can control and lots of full on action, The game is actually quite fun. So what exactly happened? Well Titanfall being an online only game was always going to a problem from the start, Not only was it an online only game but it lacked a whole heap of content when it released and that's not even getting started on the games lack of a campaign. You also get a sense when you're playing the game that the development of the game was quite rushed, Frame rate issues and poor texture quality are some issues. I also had a issue with the games AI and how bad they were, Not only did they not do anything they always seem to just clutter up the screen and be in the way, The lack of players in the game for the size of the maps (6 v 6) you always felt like the AI were trying to fill the void of it's lack of players. I always thought titanfall would also be a very good game without the actual mechs in it too, But that would defeat the purpose of the game, But they should have at least incorporated a game mode.
All that said, You can't ignore the potential that Titanfall has, If a new Titanfall game goes in to development for multiple years and is crafted with absolute care this game could no doubt become a power house game, Which it seems the developers are intending to do with Titanfall 2.
So what does Titanfall 2 need to do to take the game to the next level? Well for one they need to remove the useless AI in the game, They do nothing but clutter up the screen and achieve nothing. They either need to reduce the map sizes so players can find each other quick in a 6 v 6 or they need to increase the player count. They also need to make you earn your mechs, They need to buff the mechs making them real tough rather than everyone on the field getting a mech every 30 seconds and it's just a huge mech battle. This is also a big one, The game needs a campaign! some people actually really enjoy proper stories, it can keep your fan base around for a long time, Not only that but a lot of people out there don't even have online. The game also really use a bit of a buff in the graphics department, Titanfall released at 790p resolution, I think that should be at least minimum 900p now on xbox one and 1080p on other platforms. last but not least, add a game type where we can play without Titans, surprisingly I think that would be super fun.
Titanfall 2 has been confirmed by Respawn Entertainment and Electronic Arts that the game is in development but it's unlikely to be released before the 2016 fiscal year. If you would like to keep up with news on Titanfall please check out
Titanfall was orginally developed by Respawn entertainment and published by Electronic arts, The game was intended to be a multi platform game but Microsoft bought the rights for the first game leaving it a one platform game. Titanfall Received a mostly positive reception from critics and won multiple awards, Also selling near 1 million copies in it's first month
With so much positive praise and reception, why did this game fall off most peoples radars? Last night I jumped on Titanfall to find only 3 thousand players were online and less than 100 of them were within my region. Considering Titanfall is an online only game that's somewhat pretty bad. To be fair though, Titanfall isn't a bad game, Wall running, High paced shoot outs, Giant mechs you can control and lots of full on action, The game is actually quite fun. So what exactly happened? Well Titanfall being an online only game was always going to a problem from the start, Not only was it an online only game but it lacked a whole heap of content when it released and that's not even getting started on the games lack of a campaign. You also get a sense when you're playing the game that the development of the game was quite rushed, Frame rate issues and poor texture quality are some issues. I also had a issue with the games AI and how bad they were, Not only did they not do anything they always seem to just clutter up the screen and be in the way, The lack of players in the game for the size of the maps (6 v 6) you always felt like the AI were trying to fill the void of it's lack of players. I always thought titanfall would also be a very good game without the actual mechs in it too, But that would defeat the purpose of the game, But they should have at least incorporated a game mode.
All that said, You can't ignore the potential that Titanfall has, If a new Titanfall game goes in to development for multiple years and is crafted with absolute care this game could no doubt become a power house game, Which it seems the developers are intending to do with Titanfall 2.
So what does Titanfall 2 need to do to take the game to the next level? Well for one they need to remove the useless AI in the game, They do nothing but clutter up the screen and achieve nothing. They either need to reduce the map sizes so players can find each other quick in a 6 v 6 or they need to increase the player count. They also need to make you earn your mechs, They need to buff the mechs making them real tough rather than everyone on the field getting a mech every 30 seconds and it's just a huge mech battle. This is also a big one, The game needs a campaign! some people actually really enjoy proper stories, it can keep your fan base around for a long time, Not only that but a lot of people out there don't even have online. The game also really use a bit of a buff in the graphics department, Titanfall released at 790p resolution, I think that should be at least minimum 900p now on xbox one and 1080p on other platforms. last but not least, add a game type where we can play without Titans, surprisingly I think that would be super fun.
Titanfall 2 has been confirmed by Respawn Entertainment and Electronic Arts that the game is in development but it's unlikely to be released before the 2016 fiscal year. If you would like to keep up with news on Titanfall please check out
Friday, 8 May 2015
Tom Clancy's The Division - Where is it at?
Since being shown at E3 2013 The Division has been one of the most promising games set to come out on the next generation consoles, yet we've almost heard nothing about the game since. Tom Clancy's The Division is being developed by Ubisoft Massive, Ubisoft Reflection and Red Storm Entertainment under the Tom Clancy brand.
The games story follows a chaotic New York city, A disease has spread across the united states causing the government to collapse and chaos ensures. You play as a Division agent who has been given authority to take any means necessary to bring the chaos under control.

The games story follows a chaotic New York city, A disease has spread across the united states causing the government to collapse and chaos ensures. You play as a Division agent who has been given authority to take any means necessary to bring the chaos under control.
So where exactly is this game at? Since E3 2013 trailer there has only been one other trailer and that was released at E3 2014. On May 15, 2014 It was announced The Division was going to be pushed back to a 2015 release without any indication of a date.Since that announcement there hasn't been much heard from the developers, apart from a small pod cast or update on the Tom Clancy site leaving all those who were so hyped for the game feeling somewhat empty. It seems only the real hardcore fans have stuck with the updates with the game. It's safe to say that if we haven't been given a release date 5 months in to 2015 that this game is going to be pushed back to 2016 and beyond.
So what exactly is there to look forward to? Has the development for this game gone sour? It's hard to tell really. With this game promising so much such as a thriving massive open RPG world with players, AI and trading it could be a safe bet that ubisoft is in over it's head. We haven't even seen a real, proper thriving RPG world on with players in it on consoles, nothing like a World of Warcraft or Runescape. The closets RPG online thriving worlds we have on console are pretty much Destiny which many consider a flop. That being said, The Ubisoft developers clearly have ambition to go above and beyond to create something different. You can see what they're trying to create and the goal is definitely not out of reach. If Ubisoft and co can pull this game off, it will go down as one of the best console games of this generation.
If you're interested in checking out more of this game or recieving updates about it, check out
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