Friday, 15 May 2015

The evolution of gaming.

Come the first quarter of 2016 will gaming have begun it's next evolution? The Oculus Rift is a virtual reality head set that is intended to take gaming to the next level of immersion. Ever since The Oculus Rift was announced on Kick Starter it has hit the publics eye like a steam train and has been picking up momentum ever since.
The Oculus Rift was Founded by Oculus VR in 2012. After 2 years of the project being in the public eye Facebook decided to buy the Oculus Rift for roughly 2 billion dollars in Facebook stock and cash. Since then the Oculus Rift team have released two separate dev kits to give developers a chance to create content for the hardware.

Recently the specifications were announce for the Oculus Rift and it's safe to say that your average game console consumer won't be forking out for this sort of hardware .

NVIDIA GTX 970 / AMD 290 equivalent or greater
Intel i5-4590 equivalent or greater
Compatible HDMI 1.3 video output
2x USB 3.0 ports
Windows 7 SP1 or newer

So even if the Oculus is the next evolution of gaming, who exactly has the sort of cash laying around to go splash out on that hardware? It's hard to believe that the first release of The Oculus Rift is going to be very general public friendly,  although some of that hardware might be a fair bit cheaper one year down the road.

This all leads to the question, is this a gimmick or is it the real deal? In recent times we've seen Microsoft invest millions and millions of dollars on the Kinnect and while the Kinnect did make quite a few sales on the Xbox 360 it recieved a whole lot of backlash from the public when it was announced to be packaged with the Xbox One. We'eve also seen PlayStation experiment with PlayStation move and while that had a little bit of success both the Kinnect and Playstation Move have been dead in the water since. With the consumer bombarded with Gimmicky products in recent times The Oculus Rift has a lot to prove if it wants to be the next evolution.

All that being said,  The Oculus has shown the most potential out of anything that it is going to become the next big thing in gaming. It's hard to ignore the Youtube videos of how immersed people become with the Oculus Rift head set on, weather it's Roller coasters or Porn lol, and games of course! As a gamer I'm super excited to try this out for myself and I'm also really excited to see where the Oculus Rift goes in future. If it's a flop well, we always have our trusty consoles.

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