Saturday, 30 May 2015

It's official, Halo ODST is out, but no Fire Fight? my my 343.

May 30 has arrived and as promised the Halo ODST download codes are being sent out to Halo Master Chief Collection early adopters. These are exciting times for a lot of Halo fans, but not all. This Halo fan in particular is not a very excited fan. Halo ODST is releasing without fire fight,  yes that's correct. There will be no fire fight coming with the Halo ODST download. Bit disappointing isn't it?

When Halo ODST was released on September the 11th 2009 The game had no multiplayer, in fact during most of the games development it was designed to be a DLC to Halo 3, but Microsoft had dollar signs in their eyes and decided to make the game a separate installment in the series. At the time the game lacked so much content it could hardly be consider a new game unless more was added. at the games development stage it was too late to design a full fledged multiplayer experience with matchmaking so Bungie came up with the idea to create a survival mode called Fire Fight.

Fire Fight was the only other game mode other than the campaign on Halo ODST, it was pretty much a quick solution to the lack of content in the game, Not only that, Fire Fight didn't even have matchmaking and you were left to either find players in your recently played or have a lot of mates who had the game. When players finally got their hands on Fire Fight though all was forgiven for lack of content in the game, it was amazing. What Bungie managed to pull off with fire fight was a absolutely master piece. The amount of hours invested and the fun had with memories made was amazing. Bungie manage to create something out of absolutely nothing.

So what the hell is 343 thinking not adding Fire Fight with the Halo ODST download? are they crazy? Fire Fight pretty much made Halo ODST and the amount of disappoint they already put their fans through with Halo 4 and Halo Master Chief Collection it's hard to believe they'd let their fans down again not including Fire Fight.

While we feel we will never see Fire Fight in the Halo Master Chief Collection, we still hold out hope that 343 will do the right thing and add it to the game.

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