Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Warcraft movie set to rejuvenate the fatigued World of Warcraft.

Recently the first images of the new Warcraft movie have been released to the public. Warcraft in general has always been a big game with lots of fans and production companies have always seem to be on off with a movie project on the game but now it's finally happening.

For the last few years World Of Warcraft subscriber numbers have been trending downwards although recently due to expansion the numbers have trended upwards,  but how long will that hold for? as the hype dies down on the expansion the game will slowly hit a new low. While it's all well and good for games to keep releasing expansion slowly your population will dwindle no matter what, whether the mechanics become out of date or the generation that played the game grows up, or just simply the game has changed too much for the hardcore fans to stick around.

Blizzard have clearly realized this, they can see in the long run the game will continue to generally trend downwards and make less revenue. Blizzard have really pulled the ace card at the perfect time for the World Of Warcraft franchise. A movie released by next year will reinvigorate a lot of interest in the game again and will make numbers surge.  If the movie is a series of movies, Well, even better for Blizzard!

If Blizzard want to really capitalize on the movie they'll release an expansion at a date not long after the movie is released. Imagine playing a expansion story line that's sort of a continuation of the movie story line, that would really make the fans excited to keep playing the game, Unless the movies a flop of course.

The ramifications of a Warcraft movie that flops could also really hurt the game and the whole Warcraft franchise. World of Warcraft already has a smell of fatigue about it and over the last few years it's really showed.

Can blizzard really rejuvenate the series? can they make World Of Warcraft the next big thing for another generation of kids? well guess will just have to wait and see.

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